
10" Motorola Tablet Launching With Gingerbread in November?

10" Motorola Tablet Launching With Gingerbread in November?

According to The Street, Motorola has plans to launch a 10" Android tablet, which is aimed to compete directly with Apple's iPad, and other Android tablets that will be released around that time. The final hardware in the device has not yet been decided, but The Street contends that that Motorola will be using the latest version of the Android OS, which would be Gingerbread. What's more, considering Motorola's cozy relationship with Verizon and the talks of an Android tablet for Verizon, it is not a stretch to say that Verizon will be the main carrier for this device.

The video, to the eyes of a well-informed Android user, contains some glaring mistakes regarding Android in the video. However, their claim that “people familiar with the project” told them about this shouldn't be overlooked.

TalkAndroid adds that "with Froyo just now getting ready to go truly mainstream, it seems like November is an awfully early date to be pushing out another major update for carriers to adapt to."

We saw earlier word from Google that Android releases would be pushed back eventually to a yearly release cycle, but at this rate, the update timeline shows no sign of abating. We also heard not too long ago that Google might be releasing Gingerbread in October, and since The Street's video says that the Motorola tablet will launch with the latest version of Android in November, and they say that the OS will be Gingerbread, you have to wonder if Google is planning on releasing Gingerbread in October.

It is important to note the time manufacturers need to get Android working on the device after the release of a new Android version, so how could Motorola even hope to get it done so quickly?

Phandroid notes that Google might be "approaching the Android 3.0 release differently and working closely with manufacturers before an official announcement. Perhaps this Motorola tablet is even the fabled Google tablet that the search giant has had a hand in developing for Verizon."

It is impossible to say with any certainty at this point when Gingerbread and the Motorola tablet will launch, but Phandroid adds that despite all the unknown factors, we can say one thing:

...if Motorola’s streak of knocking it out of the park with high-end Android smartphones carries over to their tablet ventures, we could finally be in for some worthwhile devices in the slate format. Get ready to hear the term “iPad killer” tossed around even more than it already is.

Other Sources: Phandroid, TalkAndroid, Unwired View

Image from Unwired View

Source: The Street

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