
Can Microsoft Hold Android Hostage Over Linux Use?

Can Microsoft Hold Android Hostage Over Linux Use?

If you've been paying attention to the developments recently between HTC and Apple, you'll notice Apple has filed a lawsuit against HTC for alleged patent infringement relating to the user interface, architecture, and hardware used in Apple's iPhone.

Android Logo Linux Penguin and Apple Product

What does this have to do with Microsoft and Android? Android may be facing a similar lawsuit from Microsoft in the future. Since 2006, companies including Samsung, Amazon, and LG Electronics have made licensing deals with Microsoft for using Linux. Amazon is paying Microsoft to use Linux on its website and on the Kindle.

Android is a modified version of Linux, and since Microsoft has convinced other companies that they should have a licensing agreement in order to use Linux, it's possible that a licensing agreement (or something more severe) might be coming our way.

Now, what does that mean to an Android user? If Microsoft does pressure for some sort of compensation for the use of the Linux OS in Android phones, then consumers would likely be the ones that the licensing fees are passed on to.

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Source: AndroidGuys

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  • Sorin Apr 28, 2018 Link to comment

    Android is now a powerful platform, and the big players in the software market should seriously consider participating in this market. Especially for the possibilities of future expansion, being demonstrated that the implementation of mobile technology is certain.

  • Mysticc . Mar 16, 2010 Link to comment

    It is about that:

    Microsoft is claiming patents Linux is using, at least they say so - never has been been prooved by any court till now.

  • Fabien Roehlinger
    • Admin
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    Mar 15, 2010 Link to comment

    Quite honestly: me too!

  • David Bingenheimer Mar 15, 2010 Link to comment

    I'm confused. I thought Android was built using open source parts of Linux. Since when does "open source" mean "pay me royalties"?

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