
Google CEO Doubts “Significant Gaming” In Google's Future

Google CEO Doubts “Significant Gaming” In Google's Future

At the Techonomy conference yesterday, TechCrunch asked Google CEO Eric Schmidt about the future of Google and gaming and, as previously mentioned here, the rumors of Google investing in Zynga. Schmidt, according to TechCrunch, earlier mentioned that a parternship between Zynga and Google can be expected.


Eric Schmidt expressed his feelings about gaming in the video below from TechCrunch:

In regards to social gaming, Schmidt expanded on the future social aims of Google, saying that he expected Google to get more involved in “casual thing”, which jives with the reported acquisition of Slide, a social app maker.

Schmidt also said “I would doubt that we'll get into significant gaming – but you never know.”

There has been talk recently of Google planning a social service to rival Facebook, but Schmidt said that “We’re not trying to do what Facebook does.” He went on to say that “The world does not need another Facebook,” which agrees with his previous stance.

Other Souces: TechCrunch

Images from Google and Zynga

Source: YouTube

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  • steve Sep 27, 2016 Link to comment

    Your in the great game now GAME OF PHONES.