
[Poll] What Do You Hope Will Be Revealed at This Year's IFA?

[Poll] What Do You Hope Will Be Revealed at This Year's IFA?

Anyone who's been reading AndroidPIT over the last couple weeks knows that we can barely wait throw open the doors to Berlin's convention center and get our IFA on. For all those readers who haven't been paying attention, IFA ,the worlds largest electronics convention, kicks off next week and for 6 days the worlds largest Android developers will be plying their latest creations for 230,000 tech fans in the heart of Berlin. For tech fanatics like us, it's an opportunity get facetime with the makers of our favorite products and pick their brains for the latest headlines. 

 What we want to know: 

  • When will the Nexus prime launch?
  • When will I get my hands on a smartphone with a bendable screen?
  • Is Samsug going to try to breath life back into the tablet stylus? 
  • What is the next generation of Android gaming going to look like?

But who cares about us? Here at AndroidPIT it's about you guys, our readers! What keeps the Andorid community up at night? What do you wish would be revealed at this year's IFA? Let us know in the comments below or in our forum and we'll ask them for you!

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  • Paul Edwards Aug 26, 2011 Link to comment

    to supply them with working market application.