
Survey Says Android Is Smartphone In Highest Demand

Survey Says Android Is Smartphone In Highest Demand

The survey from ChangeWave Research asked participants who were planning on getting a smartphone in the next 90 days "which Mobile OS would you prefer to have on the Smart Phone you plan on buying?" Those of you rooting for Android to surpass the competition (and in particular the iPhone) can take some enjoyment out of this. A victory is a victory, even with just 1% difference.

The thing to remember about this survey is that 20% of those polled in the graph above are not listed, and with the next iPhone just around the corner, we may likely see the iPhone's share increase again. However, this time the iPhone will have to compete against the Samsung Galaxy S and the HTC EVO 4G, so it will probably have a harder time of it.

This survey is also interesting because it also shows the timeframe before phones like the Droid, Nexus One, and Droid Eris were released. Satisfaction was also rated, with the iPhone still leading in that category.

Other Sources: electronista, ChangeWave

Images from electronista

Source: AndroidCentral

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