
Verizon Delays OTA Android 2.1 Update

Verizon Delays OTA Android 2.1 Update

After all the talk and anticipation for Verizon update of the Droid to Android 2.1, Phandroid reports that an internal screenshot leaked to Engadget shows that Verizon intends to delay the OTA release of 2.1 is "TBD." The image further states that a new date will be communicated as soon as possible.

internal Verizon screenshot addressing delay of Droid update

There were rumors abound that today was to be the day for Verizon to release the Android 2.1 Droid update, but it looks like we'll have to wait even longer.

An anonymous tip sent to AndroidandMe reports that the issue may not be related to Verizon, but "due to Motorola’s distribution vendor (Bitfone- now owned by HP). They are having capacity problems with a) the Bitfone application that distributes the updates and b) capacity issues with the current network infrastructure that hosts this application."

Meanwhile, BoyGeniusReport has a source stating how the 2.1 update may be released:

* At noon EDT on 3/18, 1,000 users will receive notification of the update
* At 11:59 PM EDT on 3/18, 9,000 more users will receive the update notification
* After the first 10,000 users receive the update on 3/18, there will be a 24-hour period when no additional upgrades will be delivered
* On Day 3 (3/20), 200,000 users will receive the update notification at 11:59 PM EDT
* This schedule will continue each day thereafter until the update has been delivered to all users

And here are a few conditions needed for the update to be applied:

* An OTA download requires 40% or more power availability
* If the device is not connected to an external power source or 20% or more power if it is connected to an external source
* If roaming, the customer will not receive the update

 Of course, you could just download the update onto your SD card and install it yourself. Your choice. In my opinion, there is no way to know for sure that the update will come anytime this week. Good luck with this Droid users.

Image from: Engadget

Other Sources: AndroidandMe, Engadget, Phandroid, Engadget, BoyGeniusReport

Source: AndroidCentral

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