
Our 5 free and paid Android/iOS apps of the week

Our 5 free and paid Android/iOS apps of the week

Like clockwork, every  Saturday we publish a selection of apps (both free and paid) that we think you should try downloading on your iOS and Android-powered smartphones. Note that in addition to my own finds, I have also included App suggestions by the members of the NextPit community. 

Here are our selections for this week!

Antistalker, to stop being spied on by third-party applications

Antistalker is an app that takes the LED principle a step further on iOS and Android 11. It basically keeps an eye on rogue apps that try to use elements like your microphone and/or camera.

The app is free, with no ads or in-app purchases, and sends you notifications when your microphone and/or camera is in use while indicating precisely which app or service is in use, at what precise moment the activation took place, and the duration of said activation.

This application has been shared by the Community on our forum. The application asks to be able to run in the background but doesn't ask for other intrusive authorizations like access to contacts or your location. No account creation is required.

5 apps week 13 antistalker
Antistalker wants to prevent third-party apps from spying on you / © NextPit

You can download the Antistalker app from the Google Play Store.

Actuflow: Be more aware while unlocking your smartphone

Actuflow is a wellness and self-assessment app that focuses on the superficiality or even uselessness of some of our interactions with our smartphones.

We all unlock our smartphones countless times a day without really knowing why, or at least without having a specific goal in mind.

Actuflow invites you, each time you unlock your smartphone, to tell us why you want to check it. You can either play along or ignore the question by not answering it. The app then keeps a history and allows you to see with the help of infographics the number of "intentional" unlocks, which had a particular purpose, and those without a valid reason.

I find these apps interesting for becoming aware of your screen time. But I still have the annoying tendency to think that killing boredom or simply passing the time is not an "illegitimate" use of your smartphone and should not necessarily be seen as negative.

5 apps week 13 actuflow
Actuflow wants to prevent you from being absorbed by your smartphone for no good reason / © NextPit

You can download the Actuflow app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

Fanya, a visually appealing task planner

Fanya is a task planner just like the dozens of other such apps on the Play Store. What I liked about Fanya is its interface which apart from being nice to look at - is also quite ergonomic. I also found it UI to be much easier to work with than other "To-do list" apps I tested.

You can create different categorizable and programmable events that are displayed as a time line. The application is free and ad-free but creating an account is mandatory. You can import your Google Calendar and sync it but for Google Drive backups and exporting to multiple devices you'll have to pay the Pro version at 5.99 euros.

5 apps week 13 fanya
Fanya is a task planner with a very nice interface / © NextPit

You can download the Fanya application from the Google Play Store.

Easter Egg Collection in Android

Okay, I admit, I'm cheating a bit with this app. But unlike most of you, at least I assume so, I didn't know about this application mentioned by my colleague Camila and which allows you to "relive" the main easter eggs of almost all Android versions, from Gingerbread to Android 11.

And since Easter is the occasion for the entire tech and JV press to republish Easter egg chestnuts or "easter eggs and also or rather especially because I was desperately missing an app to complete this selection, I thought that this one could do the trick.

Hoping you'll forgive me for this affront.

5 apps week 13 easter egg collection
You can review and interact with all the easter eggs from past Android versions / © NextPit

You can download the Easter Egg Collection in Android from the Google Play Store.

Protect the Realm, a free offline roguelike card game

Protect the Realm is a strategic card game in which you must defend your monarch from waves of enemies by placing the right cards in the right places. If you've played Magic, Yugioh or even Gwynt in The Witcher 3, the principle is more or less the same.

In between battles, you'll have opportunities to upgrade your deck of cards and all encounters are procedurally generated which makes for a different gameplay experience every time. The game is in early access, totally free, offline, without ads or in-app purchases. But what do the people want!

I find the art direction and atmosphere of the game very nice, although the design of some maps is a bit too minimalist for my taste. But that won't stop me from downloading it before it comes out of early access and probably becomes a paid game.

What do you think of this selection? Have you already been able to test some of the apps on this list? What would be your apps of the week? Share your opinions and especially your good tips in the comments! If you're looking for a particular type of application, don't hesitate to let me know so that I can orientate my research and selection according to your needs! Applicatively yours.

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  • gruhyrose 7 months ago Link to comment

    Now you can play world of solitaire for free online