
Do you want a career in AI? Here are the hottest jobs!

Do you want a career in AI? Here are the hottest jobs!

Do you dream of a career in the technology industry? Have a look at the offers with AI, the market is booming and you may be able to find a place for yourself. Well, of course, these professions are not within everyone's reach....

Artificial intelligence is an industry in which you can find a lot of professions. Of course, there are the most technical, specialized in development, but there are much more on this market than offers from developers. Indeed explained that job offers for this industry increased by 29% between May 2018 and May 2019, a less significant increase than in recent years but still significant.

So what work needs to be done to find your way in the AI industry? Here are the top 10 occupations in demand.

  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Deep Learning Engineer
  • Junior Data Analyst
  • Computer Vision Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • Algorithm development
  • Junior Data Scientist
  • Development Advisor
  • Data Science Director
  • Lead Data Scientist
Iaremenko Sergii shutterstock 755009773
"Don't ask yourself what the AI can do for you, ask yourself what you can do for the AI." laremenko /

As you can imagine, it is not necessarily easy to find jobs of this type. Note that these professions are not always related to AI, for example, it is quite possible to find a Data Scientist in a field that has nothing to do with artificial intelligence.

In any case, if you are looking to specialize or have a suitable profile, do not hesitate to look into this market.

Source: Indeed

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