AndroidPIT Is Now On Facebook

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Jul 29, 2010, 3:35:25 PM via Website

There is, as of today, a Facebook page for up and running. The page will also link to our Twitter account to post up all Test Reports, Blogs, and News from the website. Feel free to visit the page, and like it if you want. I will be doing my best to keep it up-to-date.

In other AndroidPIT news, the Twitter account now has over 100 followers, and is expanding quickly.

Thanks for all the support guys!'

Side note: there was some confusion getting the Twitter account update with all the major stories and synced, so I accidentally posted a whole bunch of stuff to Twitter that was already posted before.

— modified on Jul 29, 2010, 3:42:39 PM

  • Forum posts: 1

Jul 3, 2012, 3:02:11 PM via Website

I am not a fan of facebook but there idea

  • Forum posts: 38

Mar 12, 2013, 6:21:25 PM via Website

Isnt' this like old news or something? I've been following AndroidPIT on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ for months already! Sheeeesh! people get with the program!

  • Forum posts: 107

Aug 8, 2013, 2:28:48 PM via Website

Thats a nice news...

I am Daniel Jones, Working with Kiwitech as app developer. I enjoy exploring apps on various mobile platforms.

  • Forum posts: 8

Aug 19, 2013, 8:36:33 AM via Website

Hi I really like this actually 16000 above likes in android-Pit Facebook page.I have liked also, you must. thank you.

  • Forum posts: 52

Aug 19, 2013, 9:53:45 PM via Website

Awesome!! You guys are great, heading over to follow you now

  • Forum posts: 14

Nov 5, 2013, 1:24:55 PM via Website

Wow amazing its really cool.

Deactivated Account
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Dec 10, 2013, 12:21:29 PM via Website


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Dec 11, 2013, 5:52:54 PM via Website

Thanks! We had ourselves a little party six weeks ago to celebrate 15,000 +1's on Google+ and 20,000 Likes on Facebook. Now, six weeks later we're at over 30,000 +1's on Google+ and getting close to 50,000 Likes on Facebook. We're loving it!

Follow Kris on Google+ and Twitter / Forum Rules - Recommended for new AndroidPIT members! / Important to all community members: please read before posting

  • Forum posts: 10

Dec 19, 2013, 1:03:49 PM via Website

Wowwwwwwwwwww! I think amazing it's really cool. keep it Up. Thanks for sharing...

  • Forum posts: 3

Feb 10, 2014, 12:25:35 PM via Website

Really, Great Job done.. and hopefully this mobile apps will do wonders for you... Best of luck for future endeavors

  • Forum posts: 3

Feb 13, 2014, 4:24:01 PM via Website

this really well if android is on Facebook . Happy moment for every one

  • Forum posts: 23

Feb 19, 2014, 3:39:41 AM via Website

I liked this page months ago-- you guys are almost at 70k likes!! we should team up and do a giveaway together. B)
