Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 — HELP My Samsung Note will not tether

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  • Forum posts: 1

Feb 28, 2013, 9:40:39 PM via Website

Hey guys so I have a problem with my Samsung Note.

First my phone
Model number: SAMSUN-SGHI717
Android version: 4.0.4
Baseband version: I717UCLF6
Kernel version: 3.0.8
Build number: IMM76D.UCLF6

My problem:

I purchased the phone about a year ago through ATT here in California with a 6GB a month shared data plan that I share with my girlfriend. The phone is completely stock except for a 8gb sd card.

During that time I could tether my phone via wifi or usb with no problems whatsoever. However about a month ago a issue started that I have not been able to fix. Every time I try to tether via wifi or usb to my laptop I get a error message pop up.

Mobile hotspot is unavailable

to enable mobile hotspot on this device, go to or dial 611

The first time this happened I contacted ATT tech support and talked on the phone with multiple people who attempted to help me with no results. They can't do anything because my phone IS able to tether and be a mobile hotspot they double checked their system. Also my girlfriends iphone can tether just fine and she shares my data plan. So at this point the only option left is a error with the phone. Also I do not have a exact date of WHEN this issue started happening as I went through a period of not using it to tether.

I have been attempting to fix this for over two weeks, going through forums and so far NO ONE has been able to shed any light on this. If there is anything you can think of for me to try you simply have NO idea how much I would appreciate it. THIS HAS BEEN DRIVING ME CRAZY!

NOTE: I actually got the tethering to work by removing the SIM card, turning the phone back on, turning it off, reinserted the sim card, and firing it back up. However, it only worked once and then went back to giving me errors.


