Sony smartband

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Mar 5, 2014, 5:35:29 PM via Website

In my humble opinion the Sony Smartband is perhaps the least attractive fitness wearable around right now. The brightly colored, screen-less strap looks kind of childish and tacky, not really sporty or stylish(as Sony claims).

The lack of a screen gives its function away immediately: it is designed to log your activity (even during sleep) and sync that with Sony's ever-so-slightly-creepy new Lifelog app which will basically record everything you ever do for the rest of time and keep track of it for you. Lifelog is a little bit like an e-diary, but it will track not only your physical activity and sleep cycles, but also the kinds of things you search for on the web, the kind of music you listen to at certain times, the photos you take and the conversations you have.

All of this data can be accessed in a kind of life-flashing-before-your-eyes film, if you would ever want to actually rewatch your own life again in that much detail. Still, it will be an amazing nostalgia and mental time-traveling tool as the years drift by. It'll be like a digital scrapbook to bore your grandkids with.

But the Smartband itself is simply a removable rubber housing for the Sony Core - their new logging gadget that will undoubtedly become more and more integrated into Sony products in the near future.

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Apr 21, 2015, 8:28:44 AM via Website

Sony's SmartBand is a lightweight simple device that's easy to set up and has a companion app that's packed with features. It's dust and water proof and has a great battery life.

  • Forum posts: 13

Aug 23, 2016, 12:57:37 PM via Website

Obviously great! I will order one for my wife.

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Nov 29, 2016, 9:38:23 PM via Website

What about smartwatch produced by Apple and Nike, looks nice.

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Feb 15, 2017, 9:40:57 AM via Website

Great band with lots of useful features. It looks nice, and it has a high build quality. Also, since it is waterproof and dust proof, this is a true 24hr device. I've worn it in the shower, while swimming, and while cleaning up at home, and I haven't had any issues with it. For my usage the battery lasts about 4 days, and only takes 30 minutes to charge up.

  • Forum posts: 14

Aug 23, 2019, 4:49:01 PM via Website

What about smartwatch produced by Apple and Nike, looks nice.

  • Forum posts: 2

Feb 20, 2020, 7:55:48 AM via Website

who is buying sony smartwatches now , sony is in the past there are way more better options in market for samrtwatches . Helathwatch , xwatch ,tact watch and Ewatch they are some the most popular fitness wearable and they are very cheap.
