LG G2 — Getting Rid of Lollipop

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Jun 10, 2015, 3:53:51 PM via Website

I installed the Lollipop "upgrade" on June 5th. I usually keep my devices up to date with the latest system updates. This one really messed my phone up. First the battery discharged so fast that I had to charge my phone 3 times in about half a day. The phone got so hot when I was talking that I could not touch my ear with it. Then there was a dead spot on the right hand side of my home screen. This spot was fine inside an app, but would not work at all from home.

Then there are the issues that are irritating, but not devastating. The light color backgrounds, the font styles that I don't like and the inability for me, as the owner of this phone to change settings that someone decided were the "best."

First tried chat with carrier, no joy. Then called in to tech services. Did everything they knew to try, factory reset, changing settings and on and on. Finally they sent me a replacement phone with kitkat still installed.

I also talked to LG support. Their recommendation was to send the phone to them and let them completely wipe the old install and put Lollipop on fresh. Of course the problem here is that it would take several weeks. At one point in this saga I actually had Android support and LG support on a conference call. Again, no joy.

I will not be doing the upgrade to Lollipop on this phone. I never had any problems before the install and will keep this phone with the system that came with it. I may try it again in a couple of years after the bugs have been worked out and the system has matured so I can set things up the way I like them.

Moral of the story? Be sure you want this upgrade before you do it...
