Is it safe to perform a WIPE CACHE PARTITION on an UNLOCKED HTC One M7?

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Sep 10, 2016, 2:02:32 AM via Website

Any advice/suggestions would be much appreciated!

My problem ultimately stems from the fact that my keyboard has somehow been disabled by some errant app, specifically Google's Tap-to-Talk function, yesterday afternoon. Literally out of nowhere. I disabled the general Google App yesterday, and then noticed that neither the keyboard nor the tap-to-talk function were working. I just thought that I could simply restart my phone and any glitch would be removed and my keyboard would return to its normal functioning. I was completely wrong; I haven't been able to use my phone ever since, simply because the keyboard does not come up as usual for me to enter my password, so that ever since I've been locked out. As far as I know, I don't think that there's any way of overriding the password entry function so that I could simply get into my phone to correct the problem that way--but if there is any way, PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

Anyway, I have already chatted with a tech from Google Play, and when I saw that nothing worked out down that avenue, I talked with two different HTC support techs. I explained my problem to the last one and said that I would like to perform a Wipe Cache Partition, but as soon as she found out that my phone is Unlocked with S-ON, she said that there's a 50/50 chance my phone could become bricked from performing the cache wipe. She did say that it's all relative to the case, and for some, everything works out fine, while for others, not so much, so she went ahead and created a ticket for me to speak later with the higher-level HTC Developer techs.

My primary concern is losing all the data stored on my phone, because it is still in working order, and so I feel like I have much more of a chance of somehow retrieving it NOW than if I were to proceed with the cache wipe, have it brick on me, and then be forced to figure something out with a completely broken phone.

So the main question is whether it really is that risky for me to perform a wipe cache partition, because after researching it all over the Internet, I came to the conclusion that it is a safe procedure that should not damage any personal files or information. Now I have found out that is not the case for unlocked phones, which all those tutorial articles fail to mention.

Please, if anyone knows, please tell me if it would be safe for me to perform this cache wipe on my unlocked phone. But also, if you just have any relevant advice to share on this general matter, please let me know.

I have already perused a pretty large quantity of sources all over the net, and decided to turn to this site's forum as a kind of near-last resort, because I am growing pretty panicked and desperate.

— modified on Sep 10, 2016, 2:21:49 AM

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Sep 12, 2016, 10:17:34 AM via Website

Hello Astrid, welcome to AndroidPIT! :)

Well this is the first time I heard, that wiping the cache partition may brick the device, as it is simply doing what it says, wiping the cache partition...

But the question really is if that is actually going to help you. It sounds like (and it does make sense) that the keyboard app needs the generic Google app. So I would try to find a way to install a different keyboard app. Have you tried looking for one on your PC and remotely installing it? I am honestly not sure if you can switch keyboards while the phone is locked, but it is worth a try.

  • Forum posts: 2

Sep 16, 2016, 10:02:24 PM via Website

Thank you for your input.

Honestly, I was thinking that if a cache wipe can fix "the black screen of death," or whatever other seemingly serious malfunctions, it would be able to do the job here, as well, since one app is most likely overriding the original HTC keyboard due to some glitch in the system...maybe? Although the HTC Sense keyboard is not related to the Google app in any way...or is it? My phone is unlocked though, which is why an HTC rep said it could be bricked.

I'm really not sure if remotely installing a keyboard would actually work, as trying to remotely uninstall any apps from my phone was completely futile. But maybe installing could prove to be a different story. Maybe I will try that...Are there any foolproof keyboard apps you would recommend, in particular?

— modified on Sep 16, 2016, 10:12:02 PM
