LG G2 — apps updates and backups

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Sep 11, 2016, 7:41:19 AM via Website

ive NO idea wat i cn safely delete of my apps !running out of storage and memory ,love pic editing apps and so ive lots of pics on phone. i have noticed there r SEVERAL LG APPS ANDthe GOOGLE APPS TAKE UP ALOT OF STORAGE . i use goole however do i need google Gplus and Gchrome also if i like Gplus or Gchrome can i diable the others ?Please help

  • Forum posts: 9,729

Sep 12, 2016, 10:03:33 AM via Website

Hello lorrie, welcome to AndroidPIT! :)

You always need to be careful with disabling certain apps, as other apps may rely on them. Chrome shouldnt do any harm for example, GPlus could be an issue, as other apps may need it.

Do you actually have a G2?

  • Forum posts: 6

Feb 17, 2017, 9:50:37 AM via Website

i often download apps through apk file. i think it is better .
