google fit on watch and phone

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  • Forum posts: 2

Jun 2, 2017, 8:18:03 AM via Website

hey all
was looking for a place to post this but didn't see a google fit forum so here goes.
Yesterday i went for a run i started google fit on my LG urban 2 but i also had my phone with me, my watch said 3.05km 237 cal etc but my phone said 1.86 k and 137 cal. and the web google fitwas the same as the watch the question is how can i sync them all together or is it just better to start the activity on the phone. I thought because i didn't start it on the phone maybe it didn't record it as 1 workout because i stooped to get a drink, I paused the watch but there was nothing to pause on the phone.
thanks in advance
Samsung S8
Urban 2nd edition
