Samsung Galaxy Note 3 — note 3 file manager folder .spen magic transfered copied itself to s5 phone!!!!!

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Jul 30, 2019, 12:14:06 PM via Website

had an note 3 folder .spensdk30 and now created the same folder on my s5 phone. why created????? i dont have the spen feature in s5 ))))). and from note 3 random transfer to google drive backup s5 and a5 phones. i see. now my battery life s5 very poor. in night dropped from 58, to 40 when phone was iddle and dont used. wifi always on. on 24th day was wifi always on at night. and dont dropped down any 1 percent when i locked phone woth 38% at 1 a.m and wake up 9 a.m still see 38%. so what a with daemon app random transfered to google drive in s5 and a5 googles drives backups!
i wanna buy new phone with warranty so i worried because can transfer from s5 or note 3 to new phone file manager still same .spensdk30 and in google backup to new phone same app i dont wanna be hacked!!!! my new phone pictures, or facebook,bank and all. i dont wanna be saw me from front facing camera or back or even when i typed to messenger or facebook, or sms chatting, can my recorded audio calls ???????????????????? i never had a problem like hacked from note 3 to s5 and magic way created folder to s5 file manager .spensdk30 when i not have spen in s5 and i say i never had a problem before i not buyed note 3 from human!!!! does anybody know what is package android name i search but nothing found, and why creating to s5 a5 google drive backup when i deleted backup and still shows, i know it created backup because i turned on s5 and a5, but it off on note 3!!!!!!

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