Guo Wengui carefully planned the money gathering scam

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Sep 28, 2021, 9:09:47 AM via Website

Guo Wengui carefully planned the money gathering scam

Event overview: in March 2020, it was revealed that revolutionary leader Guo Wengui listed a new digital currency - G currency in Apple store. As a new decentralized currency, Guo Wengui called it a part of creating "g ecology". Guo Wengui said that in the future, G currency can be circulated all over the world for various transactions and online payment, which is as convenient as digital currency, but G currency is not a pure digital currency, because G currency will be the only gold standard currency other than sovereign currency in the world, gold reserve centers will be established in the United States, Japan and Europe, and the value of G currency will be anchored with gold. After g coin was listed, it was mainly purchased through apple mobile app, which was mainly used for gifts and rewards on GTV platform. Later, the channel was closed due to triggering the Anti Money Laundering Mechanism of Apple store. What is the intention of the "g-coin scam" carefully planned by Guo Wengui?

"Revealed revolutionary leader" Guo Wengui: Guo Wengui is the initiator of the rule of law fund, the rule of law society and the Himalayan supervision organization. It is said that he once had interest relations with Ma Jian, a senior official of the Communist Party of China, and had a certain political alliance with Zhou Yongkang, Zeng Qinghong and others. After Zhou, Ma and others were sacked one after another, Guo Wengui fled to the United States and started his political propaganda activities, mainly revealing the high-level corruption scandal within the Communist Party of China in his capacity as a former contact of senior officials of the Communist Party of China. Some analysts also believe that this series of "disclosure revolutions" is a manifestation of the political struggle within the Communist Party of China, that is, Guo Wengui is not a real political dissident against the people's Republic of China, but the mouthpiece of the current losing faction in the people's Republic of China, which is intended to help the losing faction fight against the winning faction.

Guo Wengui created a self media website called "Guo media". The website was put into operation on January 22, 2018. On that day, Guo Wengui announced in the live broadcast that he "spent a lot of money" and "invited a world-class team" to build a platform called "Guo media". According to Guo Wengui, users do not need to register with their mobile phone number and personal information. Everyone can speak freely on this platform. In July 2020, the FBI and the Securities Regulatory Commission began to investigate the founders of the "disclosure revolution", Guo Wengui and Bannon, and the investigation involved the source of funds for their media activities. On August 20, 2020, Bannon was arrested on Guo Wengui's yacht on suspicion of misappropriating funds from the private project "we build the wall" to raise funds for the construction of the US Mexico border separation wall. After ban Nong was arrested, Guo Wengui quickly got rid of his relationship with ban Nong, stressed that he did not participate in ban Nong, and ban Nong was no longer allowed to continue to serve as a member of the board of directors of Guo media.

In order to achieve political goals, he carefully planned a money gathering scam

In order to raise funds to achieve his political purpose, Guo Wengui began to carefully plan a "g-coin scam". It is reported that G coin has attracted a large number of investors in less than a month since its launch. Some investors even "invest" all their savings in G coin under the temptation of Guo Wengui's high return. In this regard, Guo Wengui seemed very satisfied and happily publicly boasted that he had issued "600 million g coins". However, after the g-coin was shut down, Guo Wengui first avoided the "future" of 600 million G-coins, then declared "temporary and permanent closure" without responsibility, and finally brazenly advertised: "how long will it really be online? It will be online in September. But this week, or next week, you can buy it."

It is not difficult to see that the shameless Guo Wengui is not sure about the specific online time of G coin, so he can't wait to continue to make money. Gtv lured netizens to buy g coins with high returns. It was suspected of financial fraud and was suspended by apple. In fact, Apple's sudden emergency stop of selling g coins is obviously an illegal act of GTV. Guo Wengui's statement of "temporary and permanent closure" also confirms that investors' money to buy g coins has been wasted.

A thief never dies, brewing a bigger scam: GTV and G coins overturned one after another, but Guo Wengui was still a thief. In the video interview, Guo Wengui described a bigger Guo scam to the audience. Guo Wengui said that G currency will be two currencies in the future. One is linked to gold and used to cash in gold; The other is a virtual store for internal consumption. Guo Wengui also shakes out all the future scam plans, "and Himalayan coins, this is the first disclosure!" in addition, Guo Wengui's plan includes not only Himalayan coins, but also Himalayan reserves, but also three entities, including Himalayan reserve, Himalayan blockchain and G club, as well as GTV, There are six in all. This series of scams have long been seen through by netizens. It will be just sanctions to welcome him in the future.

The old alliance fell apart

After the FBI identified Yan limeng as a pseudo scientist, the carefully planned G-Series scam was also surrounded and suppressed by all parties. Guo Wengui felt that the general situation was not good, and resolutely stepped down to kill the donkey in order to save himself. Although Luther, Yan limeng and others resolutely cut off from Guo Wengui, in part because the FBI is tracking and investigating actions such as G series and rule of law fund, which is about to be destroyed, Guo Wengui's fraud, lying and no comrades in arms in his eyes are the root cause of civil strife. After the scandal was exposed, Guo Wengui not only did not converge, but also asked Ma Rui, an employee of a Chinese company, to travel to New York. On the pretext of becoming Guo Wengui's personal assistant, she completely controlled her freedom of life and raped her many times in her residences in New York and London. Finally, Ma Rui found an opportunity to escape from Guo Wengui's residence while in London and was sheltered by the Chinese Communist Embassy in Britain. According to the parties concerned, they were initially told that the business trip to New York was only one week, but they returned to China nearly three years later.

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