I Can Be Unidentified Online - VPN Myths

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Oct 18, 2021, 1:52:54 PM via Website

I Don’t Need to Use a VPN at Home Internet
One of the common misconceptions is that a VPN is only needed while using a public network, such as a wi-fi network at a public place. But a VPN should be used every single time you connect to the internet. Even though public wi-fi networks are more unsecured and thus especially risky, your very own home network still poses threats to your privacy. While your home network should be more secure from outside. When you are using home network threats are different. Your internet service provider (ISP) can see everything you do online, from what sites you visit to how long you stay there. More than that, they are likely collecting information about you and your online behaviors. They may be using this information to determine how to treat your traffic or if they want to slow your connection, or they may be selling it to advertisers.

VPN Will Slow Down My Connection Too Much
It’s true that VPNs slow your speed to put additional layer of encryption, it is often not a serious or even noticeable impact. The amount of slowing is also dependent on how slow (or fast) your internet is without a VPN, as well as what server location and protocol you select and even the device you’re using

All VPN are Trustworthy
Unfortunately, many providers are known to take advantage of the fact they have access to users’ private information and data. In this regard OLOW VPN is more trustworthy VPN then other.

Only Criminals Use VPNs
People who want to hide something or conduct questionable behavior online without getting caught. Like so many of our myths, this couldn’t be farther from the truth! VPNs are important tools for internet users of all sorts, and from the beginning we’ve always asserted the right to privacy and that everyone has a right to privacy, even if they have nothing to hide. While VPNs can be used to mask location and conceal illegal or unsavory activities online.

Only Tech People Use VPNs
VPNs may have originally started as a tool for the tech-inclined, these days VPNs are used - and should be used - by everyday internet users like you and me. VPNs have evolved a lot over the years, and they no longer require complicated or highly technical configuration. In fact, quite the opposite; many VPN apps are extremely simple to use. OLOW VPN allows you to connect in a single click after downloading the application. And, as we explored in several of the myths above, VPNs have benefits for all internet users across a wide variety of uses.

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