WhatsApp - A multiplatform utility software to fix broken WhatsApp jpeg images

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Nov 20, 2021, 4:42:28 PM via Website

When you are sent jpeg files via WhatsApp and then try to open received files in the Adobe Photoshop, there's a chance you'll get the following error in Photoshop:

Could not complete your request because a SOFn, DQT, or DHT JPEG
marker is missing before a JPEG SOS marker

For this case users are usually advised to open the broken file in MS Paint (or something similar in MacOS) first and save it as jpeg file. Usually it helps, but when you have many broken image files, opening and saving them one by one may get a little tedious.

I've developed a free and open source utility that solves this task.

Here is the link to repository with source code, check the linked page for the information how to download and use the utility:


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