
Livestream: Apple HomePod and the 3 most anticipated phones of the year

Livestream: Apple HomePod and the 3 most anticipated phones of the year

The Apple HomePod is finally launching, and we can't wait to share our thoughts on the new device. Plus, with all the rumors floating around about 2018's upcoming flagships, we're ready to reveal which three we're anticipating the most at 12:30 pm in our livestream. Are you ready?

What will we be talking about today?

The Apple HomePod is finally available for pre-order in the US, so we'll be discussing it and its price tag this week in our livestream. Plus, we'll be talking about the three phones we're looking forward to the most. Obviously, we can't wait to see the Samsung Galaxy S9, particularly to find out what its camera has up its sleeve. We're also looking forward to what the LG G7 will offer, since the brand seemed to play it safe last year, even with its usually unique V-series device. And, last but not least, we're also looking forward to seeing whether the Nokia 8 (2018)/Nokia 10 will make a splash. 

Enough with the spoilers, tune in with us and be ready with your questions and comments!

Be sure to tune in at 12:30 pm US time, (or 5:30 pm, if you are in the UK) on our YouTube or Facebook page!

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