
It's official: you won't need an invite to buy the OnePlus 3

It's official: you won't need an invite to buy the OnePlus 3

The OnePlus 3 will be sold invite free, as will all OnePlus products from now on. The news arrived in a statement from OnePlus, which made its name largely through viral marketing based on an exclusivity-driven invite system. The phone's global launch date has also been set for June 14. Full details are below. 

oneplus 3
A leaked render of what the OnePlus 3 could look like. / © Evan Blass

Only a few weeks ago, AndroidPIT discussed how OnePlus would do well to drop its invite system. Specifically, we wrote: "The OnePlus 3's trump card is probably this: an invite-free launch". Read that feature right here.

With the company now maturing, it seemed that continuing the infamous invite system would be a hard sell now that there was already significant brand awareness for OnePlus. 

The OnePlus 3's trump card is probably this: an invite-free launch

In its statement this morning, which co-founder Carl Pei also posted in the company's forum, OnePlus stated that the invite system allowed its customers to buy phones when inventory was available. It's a clever way to build demand, but also reduced overhead costs and unsold units. But ever since the OnePlus X was released in late 2015, the number of invite-free windows began to increase and hinted at what was coming. 

oneplus x camera
The OnePlus X was, at times, sold with the invite system. / © ANDROIDPIT

Now, two years and millions of invites later, the company is confident enough that it can sell the OnePlus 3 without invites. This is evidence that there has been enough growth for the business and its customer base, and also that greater risk can be taken at launch. This would come as welcome news to fans of the brand, prospective customers and those of us who always wanted a OnePlus but just couldn't find an insider who had invites. 

The global launch of the OnePlus 3 is on June 14 and will take place via a 'Loop VR experience' that begins at 12.30pm ET. The device will be sold in The Loop, a kind of virtual reality store, before open sales begin at from 3pm ET.

Have you bought a OnePlus device with an invite? Let us know in the comments.

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  • Kikloo Jun 2, 2016 Link to comment

    I don't understand why people are so crazy about latest phones ? I have OP2 which I got after 3-4 years of using Nexus, OP2 is working great and I don't see any reason of upgrading. The mails will come at same speed, the temple run guy won't run any faster, facebook browsing will be whats the rush ??? I fail to understand. lol

    • Omar Hamwi Jun 2, 2016 Link to comment

      Hey Kikloo, you make an interesting argument here - particularly about how "Temple Run guy won't run any faster". That's true, but newer processors also have a longer shelf life than older ones.

      • Kikloo Jun 2, 2016 Link to comment

        Yes but like I have op2 and it isnt that old that I should throw it out and get a new one. There will be a bit of difference in performance of both op2 and op3. Anyways, glad it's coming without invite.

    • Nickname303 Jun 4, 2016 Link to comment

      This is true. Phones these days have decent enough tech inside them to be future proof for a few years. It is by no means a necessity to update your phone yearly. Of course, many people just want the latest gadget and will happily buy a new phone every year even though there was little wrong with the one they had. And that's fine. Do what you want/can afford to do and be happy that youve got what suits you, be it an old phone or a brand new one

  • 5rooms Jun 2, 2016 Link to comment

    I'm going to buy the out of this phone. Time to retire my good old LG 4x hd :/

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