
OnePlus 9: third model in sight

OnePlus 9: third model in sight

It has become a tradition for OnePlus to introduce two new smartphones at the beginning of the year. Now, a third model might be added to the OnePlus 9.

After we saw the first alleged render images of the OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro a few days ago, leaker Max Jambor has posted a new report on Twitter and his voice profile. While OnePlus limited itself to only releasing an OnePlus 8T – the manufacturer did not offer an OnePlus 8T Pro – the Chinese company is planning three models for the coming spring.

According to the leaker, a OnePlus 9E will be added to the OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro. Unfortunately, the details of the new model are extremely thin so far. For example, it's not yet clear how exactly the 9E will be priced or which features will make it different from the regular 9 and the 9 Pro.

OnePlus 9E: Smartphones for every price?

Jambor writes that OnePlus will probably follow Samsung's example and offer a smartphone at every price level. So the gap between OnePlus Nord and an OnePlus 9 could possibly shrink in the future.

OnePlus 9 Pro Bild OnLeaks Voice 1
This is what the OnePlus 9 Pro could look like. / © OnLeaks x Voice

At the lower end of the price range are models from the Nord-N series, followed by the regular OnePlus Nord in the mid-range segment. Above that, the OnePlus 8T is currently available and soon the OnePlus 9 will probably follow. If you want the top smartphone from OnePlus and can't or don't want to leave any features on the table, the Pro model is available.

The question now is, which features will be missing on the OnePlus 9E in order to reduce costs compared to the other models. Unfortunately, Jambor has no answer to this question yet.

The OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro are currently rumoured to be introduced in March 2021. Qualcomm's Snapdragon 875 will be included inside these two models. Previously, three model numbers of the OnePlus 9, LE2110, LE2117 and LE2119, and two numbers of the OnePlus 9 Pro, LE2120 and LE2127, had been leaked.

The article picture shows a OnePlus 8 Pro.

Source: Max Jambor

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  • storm Dec 1, 2020 Link to comment

    Considering the failure rate in their headphones, it seems they still haven't learned basic engineering and testing skills. They don't merit the ever increasing prices they charge.