
Like Realme, Redmi could also be working on a 64MP camera phone

Like Realme, Redmi could also be working on a 64MP camera phone

If 2019 is the year of 48MP smartphone cameras, don't think it' stops there! After Realme, Redmi also seems to be ready to launch its first smartphone with a 64MP sensor.

Just hours ago, Redmi published a picture taken at 64 MP on Weibo in which a cat is shown and a magnified section of its eye. Apart from a large amount of detail, there is not much more to say about this photo, but it seems to confirm the presence of a smartphone equipped with such a sensor, since one of the executives of the company later shared a screenshot from the device in question, showing the 64MP mode in the camera app.

Smartphones have officially entered the 64MP era

This is not the first time we've heard of a Xiaomi smartphone (or its sub-brands) with such a high-resolution camera. Just last month it was talked about on XDA, while today it is clear that the Chinese manufacturer is waiting for nothing else.

redmi 64mp smartphone weibo
The photo speaks for itself! / © Redmi

Redmi is not the only company interested in this type of sensor: last month, in fact, we caught wind of an upcoming announcement by Realme, which then confirmed that it will use the new Samsung GW-1 sensor.

Are you ready for the invasion of 64MP camera smartphones?

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  •   46
    Deactivated Account Jul 22, 2019 Link to comment

    massive megapixel cameras on phone are just gimmicks. It takes a DSLR to utilize them properly and then they are only useful for blowing up photos.