
Samsung to showcase world's first "stretchable" OLED display

Samsung to showcase world's first "stretchable" OLED display

The Display Week - the world's premier event where display manufacturers get to showcase their latest technology kicks off in Los Angeles today. As with every good technology event, it seems like Samsung might showcase something that's been rumored to be in the works for quite some time - a "stretchable" OLED Display.

Korean news outlets have reported that Samsung will present a 9.1 inch display that you can "bend" up to 12 mm in various directions. A Samsung spokesperson stated:

While current flexible OLED is able to be transformed in only one side, this stretchable OLED can be transformed – whether curved, bended or rolled – in both sides, above and below

This technology could be used for wearables or IoT devices, though it's not a far stretch to imagine that we'll see it integrated in smartphones as well. It's still unclear when this display technology will hit the market, this is just a showcase after all. As the Samsung PR spokesman has stated, we've already seen rolled up and bendable displays before, the main difference is that current displays can only be bent in one direction.  

samsung flexible display
Samsung's new stretchable display. / © Yonhap, Samsung

But that's not the only interesting piece of technology Samsung is set to show at the Display Week. Samsung will apparently unveil a tiny display that packs a serious resolution. With a screen diagonal of just 1.96 inches and UHD resolution (3,840 x 2,160 pixels), the mini display will have a pixel density of 2,250 ppi. Samsung will apparently rely on LCD technology for this display and not the usual AMOLED - and one can assume that we will see it integrated in AR/VR technology in the not too distant future.

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  • Steven Rhods May 27, 2017 Link to comment

    Looks cool but I'm sure it would be so damm expensive.

  • Reg Joo May 24, 2017 Link to comment

    Initially, yes. I remember when flat screen Sony TV 's were $10000(remember COMPUSA? ) , now you can get flat screens for $100. It may take a while, but it will drop like a rock.

  • Andrew Burgin May 24, 2017 Link to comment

    Everyone is so excited about seeing the First flexible phone being released,but it might just be the pricing of this type of phone,that might stop them being given successful

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