
Why you should buy a smartwatch: pros and cons

Why you should buy a smartwatch: pros and cons

Are you considering whether or not to buy a smartwatch? Perhaps you're wondering if you'll use it everyday or if it will just end up in a drawer somewhere. Here are some of the pros and cons of these wearables to help you decide if a smartwatch will live up to your expectations.

Pros of owning a smartwatch

Thanks to Android Wear 2.0's new features, Android smartwatch users are no longer bound to their smartphones. Users can install apps like keyboards, messengers or small games from Google Play without even touching their smartphone. The new interactive Complications dials make it easier to see notifications, calendar appointments, contacts, a quick shortcut to the inbox and more.

AndoridPIT android wear 2 add complication
The dial of the Smartwatch is now more interactive than ever before. / © NextPit

Smartwatches allow users to go nearly hands-free. With Google Assistant on your wrist, you can give voice commands to your watch without needing to be near your Pixel phone or Google Home device. All it takes is a long press of a button to conduct searches or control the environment through connected IOT devices.

Smartwatches are designed to be wellness devices as well. They can be used as pedometers to track fitness goals. Some even include a heart rate sensor to track a user's pulse. When users are at the gym, the Complications dials can give a shortcut to the timer and stopwatch as well as display step count.

Cons of owning a smartwatch

In theory, all of the aforementioned points all make smartwatches sound pretty great. But, in practice, it's another story. Smartwatches aren't as user friendly as they're supposed to be. You can't be fully independent of your smartphone, largely because Google Assistant's voice recognition isn't good enough yet and using a keyboard on a small screen just isn't ideal. Step counters are notoriously imprecise - even brushing your teeth leads to errors. Optical heart rate sensors only work for certain sports, and only in ideal conditions. Running and cycling are both fine but HR sensors won't work, for example, when you do yoga and bend your wrist. Finally, one of the most common user complaints is still a problem: battery life. 

Smartwatches aren't living up to expectations now, but they may be helpful someday after a lot of improvements. Nevertheless, even if they worked as well in practice as they were meant to in theory, all this functionality still isn't vital to most users. Since smartwatches aren't essential, for most people purchasing one doesn't make much sense. But, if you find the technology fun and interesting, then give it a try without expecting too much and you might have a good experience.

Do you think a smartwatch will ever be essential to your daily routine? What do you think about the Android Wear 2.0 update? Let us know in the comments below.

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  • David Huff Mar 12, 2017 Link to comment

    I see no need for a "smartwatch". It's bad enough to use Bluetooth and walk around looking like I'm talking to myself. I can't imagine holding my smartwatch up to my mouth and talk to the back of my hand. Can you see everyone using a smartwatch walking around talking to the back of the hand. LOL

  • nightflyer2131 Mar 3, 2017 Link to comment

    I don't know but I work at a hospital and I need a watch thts important also pulling out my cell is not to practical but yea everyone does it. Now tht I have the gear s3 tht gives me quick access to any emergency tht comes up yes my phone does tht already but remember the watch is accepted everywhere thts the plus. When I'm driving now not a PBLM thts a plus too if you look at the gear s3 it's more of a tool for me than just some new techy gimmick. So far I love it it's working for me and it's a good buy once you consider both options meaning Bluetooth or Lte version for connection Lte version is a better option. And it's a fitness tracker to boot if u want one in all not carrying to much hardware on you this is a great option so yes it's time take a look and see cause you are gana love it hands down ! And coming from a consumer don't worry about the battery and memory and all the other bells and whistles Samsung put in their when your done tweaking and tricking out the watch youb might never put it down cause when it's on your wrist and it looks tht great your gana love it!

  • storm Mar 1, 2017 Link to comment

    Still have no interest in them. They don't offer any killer features yet.

    •   24
      Deactivated Account Mar 2, 2017 Link to comment

      what features would you want in a smartwatch? Im not too big of a fan either as smartwatches seem to be just a glorified notification screen with poor battery life....

      Deactivated Account

      •   46
        Deactivated Account Mar 2, 2017 Link to comment

        Georg- You ask for my opinion here why I do not want a smartwatch. Well you already summed it up above. Plus they are redundant your phone does everything they do a lot better. Again I will add I think they are doomed product because of it.

        Deactivated Account

      • storm Mar 2, 2017 Link to comment

        I can't think of a feature useful on a watch scale interface.

        Deactivated AccountDeactivated Account

      • User is Dog friendly Jan 10, 2018 Link to comment

        the only think a smart watch does (supposedly) better than a cell is being a fit bit. Yet, you have to carry your phone when you go jogging or exercising. So, NO. I don't see a smart phone doing anything better than a cellphone

    • User is Dog friendly Jan 10, 2018 Link to comment

      I think it is easier to look at a cell phone with bigger fonts, than a tiny watch screen. Even fonts can be enlarged in a cell phone for 55+ users. Smart watches do not offer anything like that.

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